
We have a lot of information on our work, and tips for you in your indexing journey. See our blog to read more, and if you can’t find what you need leave a comment below!

To Embed or Not Embed an Index in Word, InDesign or Quark Xpress!
InDesign Indexing Opinion Quark Xpress Word

To Embed or Not Embed an Index in Word, InDesign or Quark Xpress!

To Embed an Index is a popular option when it comes to indexing. What are the advantages, and disadvantages of using that type of...
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Should All Nouns in a Book Always Appear in an Index?
Indexing Opinion

Should All Nouns in a Book Always Appear in an Index?

There are some publishers or authors who would immediately say "Yes!" to this question. They feel that any person, place,...
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ePub vs. MOBI vs. PDF: Which is better for eBook formatting?
eBooks ePub Indexing MOBI Opinion PDF

ePub vs. MOBI vs. PDF: Which is better for eBook formatting?

If you're an author, I'm sure you've considered self-publishing your book as an eBook. You've probably read some pretty inspiring...
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Selling Non-Fiction eBooks: How to Compete
Non-Fiction Books Opinion Tutorial

Selling Non-Fiction eBooks: How to Compete

Now that it is easier than ever to create your own non-fiction e-book and sell it online, there is also...
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How We Created an Index for Over 10,000 Pages of Content

How We Created an Index for Over 10,000 Pages of Content

At BIM we are used to indexing lots of pages every month. In fact, we usual index over 100,000 pages...
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Why Should Humans Index Books?
Human vs. AI Indexing Opinion

Why Should Humans Index Books?

Language is very complex, so indexes prepared by computer or text searches are seriously lacking when compared to those written...
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Displaying Hidden Text in Microsoft Word (step-by-step instructions for Windows and Mac)

Displaying Hidden Text in Microsoft Word (step-by-step instructions for Windows and Mac)

There could be a number of reasons that you need to view Hidden Text in Microsoft Word for Windows for...
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